The Age from Melbourne, Victoria, Australia (2024)

NOTICE BUSINESSES AND PARTNERSHIPS. BUSINESSES AND PARTNERSHIPS. trance, opportunir, Concert owner Hair tour every wowthern requirement, replete with Prebrap 1 Prahras. no Largain: 529 Makelry Central Bureau, prutit Collie at 210 te portion. well on Orr 500 volutes.

connertion. cicely mitet. nited, heavy fresh Aleck, 412, ODd NO Dear Wilenn. splendid 49 Retreat Mtate. will to be Nia 7 WIN A THIN st.

br.mer Indroo retirin: cute, Lammira, st kather At. Torn Ball vies' est abilared, little taking ODGING 12 Tental hall tikete. 2 20. Wila so, Hancata, there How adendid 256; Philips, Alrive, No rent. Eli prosed: ODGIN0 yearn same 13 permanents, cointonably fur the and Jenni £3 clear.

sacrifre, 103 offer. nded. select, secretary. 317 49 to are the Chair magnifcuntly House, clue city. 1: rent.

Methourne, trited til 12 NOUn volr, d. week dete. I4 13 with for Richmond. rent. 2 duchesses.

Nt. tens, capable the boring to the depth of 1500 dits, How, 4. Rope and Tools CABLE AN TE of dupe plant saould and UnLe wit offer, in 1're 3 appointed. al. trade El voly rent, full to curly de Produce.

Cooked SIT specialty recommended; gitt. ther may at bo bin tnd from four, cumputing weekly: bacon rutter. A 10. bite Work. 4,75.

al: Cola b. p. electric harla machine lima-at. The lowest or any offer not necessarily acrepted. Tantace, Cooked her: terms Wilso.r, 19 Elizabeth- st Barclopes, enclosin shonta be endorted thoroughfare, Trading Grocery Lines, Inw rent, for Boring tent exceptianal good dwelling.

takings Hock. protia 21 weckly plant, formulas. W. 4 R'ATT. Curra-4t.

chance, Moor. 60 Instructiona: 317 CalTreasuret, 'Melbourne, 40 Meals, crowded M' Tor So quart-, Am reg SIXTH AUSTRATIAN MIST INFANTRY RE tifully ted. Produce. taking average Wilann, 235 Elizabetti. bean.

Hill, N' Lae. rule proprintor. duing L10 PARADE for thaturday, 6th inet. trade; MAY lut. suburb.

5. dally, hone, van. dr 45, M' ThE will PARADE for Round. Any with, Lorlwer. br the District denmand- Ham.

Kow. it. Th 250 Ha: ant, at A phinston station. on 'Baturday neit It d. to handle sue Kispe Man ihozu.

4th proceeding ty train Hw! EWO station at stopping all Ci 8 ul! to carts note bouta, thaws and Age. shatu met ullse. a onler. collars, in with TrEl h- 14175. Forme 43 not regnired from Melbourne.

Room, CITY, TAKINg 1. EWA old fully CUT TY Trading Investigation: amiborn left at. The OF dill -All rifles for on must another, taking 217, £56. Fleet workd, 32: cal- 4'1250. N.

and Ordnance Armorer not later than in rectiun br EXCELLENT Chance EW Prahran. Parade for Wednesday, 10th La herrhy Can- Hotel. kr-st. Between 10 and 1, Now Dot wanted. 4150 Lo 10.

41 celled, and to thereof the Harallion will parade His low buyer IC wailina. Particulars, con H. in Barracks, St. Kilda-road, ou Wednesday, rent. living, oll est cually 150 Clarendon cheat: leaving Stato.

INK rent Wish Cho. Drill coder. Rand to attend. Hound, Hand JOHN Adit. N.

Int YEOMAN. 6th A.T. Rest. wading suburb. and profit splendid £5 wet wanted, Wholes Tart 400.

Philips, S'Alyane. 80 Swan. lands, draw IS we.k, officers Goodwin, Stone and 11 150. laun-den, 320 Jarrie. Wand, 6 PA DARTNER with guin In WORKS DEFARTMEST.

MELROURNE: 40 weekly. horse. WAggI.A: £103 nateoted intention. employment. 250 TENDERS will at this otter until ran he made.

Write In Mute, A re. 17 o'clock on the days and for the purposes shop trade, Tartu.i TN 7 1 I Particular undermentioned, worth splendid turnout, clear £6. may be at Publi Works Dee M' Alpine, NO Swanston-At. 2100. -RAKE OPPORTUNITY Tire Man to The lowest tender not necessarily accepted.

weekls. stock, auburima for chest. Ta ATE pronts conponial meat, partment, and Where named. Tratir leading Trio in inter11th MAY. 1911.

420; 4 extra. 3 317 exclance nine 15. Hir Repairs to Jots. at Post man, mil I- Pfice, Lorne, 4. stu hump courted: ploripala only.

Joral Park. Deposit, tendint, Final, 5 pre cent. Hospital, nice about taw Inc, mast. he Residence for A 18th MAY, 1911. 2140.

Greet 4D wekl; sold. Bulldings to' A Paring Tat ents, GROCERY, fullest. £40 workly. 76 1 -In ct.

for Insane, Hout Final £130. inTent iation bearity per cont. MAT, 1911. Witson, 49 Elizabeth at. t0, al-1 Manufacture And Supply of 28.

Ahow mont. ('Liftoy) all Carlton. a Hieh- good 420, pat for cent Department of Mines Deposit. Ad. 231 all fullN 16.

nuT turnover week. runt stuck. guarantor ante 10 Acting W. Comminionor F. EDGAR.

Public Workt, Dendar clear profts stock: £20: 40 AN leaving England. Dwyer, at. Insertigatiun The Ard May, 1911. P.O.. 50 317 SOLITARY FORGES OF THE nom.

comportable dwellings. (. Ture 1'3 an- DARTNERSHIN Half Shan. n'd ontariCOMMONWEALTH. tunity: £30, Ingulry.

See wale agencies. City profit Ketato Burtons family trade. turnover Jut 47 420 urar furniture. H. road.

ation £90 reducible. and plant a bout Department of Detrace, Mothourne, 1911, Hall. 49 £650. Elizabeth-4t. Tahi- wantmi, to 2150.

solid PANDERS for the and 4plendkt sound' trade. runt mires. businew. principala taunt st ouly. 'lad Revop.

imestigation, Age. by the MEDICAL FOLIPME will he re- Thome in 11 at 04 taltDefence, tuburne. once: 149 Rife- bainst. wanted la In 2500, house, land, farm Victoria Barracks, At. Kuda-rowd, Melbounie, it Hair IMIttS p.m.

on 124. June, 1911. de corner, popu- satisfactory. 4 obtained on to the principal Hard: lated. stuck takes valua gond 250.

Sayer. 20 Tot dress, offend blue. gentlemou, 214 of prAt god arttender and conditions of entert MaY Omeer. who Vitoria will furth Man partirulars Kila-road. to Mel- CIO, 2:22 murtly into Philia, M' Alpine.

60 houte, sud 41-212 -01. tendering. M'AREGOR, unburban. D. Reddan Business tor Ret railway town, -tel 12 and dark Murder Victor For Minister of Atale Parade for on Defance.

Matur. HAY. there aplendid another, 14120 4. workly trade. 290.

This with plant complete: it's for Corn. THE day, 6t.h Table drill M' Alpine. 00 1 wok, Mice. 4 lifeumo 4225; chance. order, 4 Rites.

venuine doing £4000 with or 05000 searly; ei, do. W. ent city, benchChas SI.M, Dare, Lieut, AdJt. HA wanted, An wond RAIL buyer M'Ewan, 317 Collingst. N.

trade man QUOTATIONS. Hotel JOHNSTONE Brokers and HENRY, Huikling; an F'untracting price £150: and HOTELS HOTELS, SHARE we marited hy the Chief 311 and Auctionerre, ct: tici and 10. utice: LAND nad FAIL city Railway Ofers. Apeacer-street, up till 11 00 HOTEL. MUBURHAN.

Brice .250: draw the dates specided. fur the supply of the following Close city, right junction of three ronde, D'ULLAR and Thigh speed). till 5t.h surrounded by factories, Very profitable 237 Munch Bright Vylee; Rolled Mud tin Rteel eth May: Key Parallel Range nene, Well fwuished mud up to date. lease, taking 230 Roons. cash Content ones.

for Electric 9th May. rent. free HOTEL, house: COLLINO price 1-leto plant. Wilson, 19 girt: Elatith st. comnominal SEPARATE TENDERS are forited for the upder- £50 Great week.

beer mnst br big working CH 11 finance locality, takings RESTATIANT. completely Dining Ponta, hasy 200 Chapel mere for mentioned munt worka, be lorised. Traders. with the raduened preliminary "Tender de- HOTEL, CITY, ..41000 6 1'1, Wilon. 49 porit, in the Tender Box, Railway Umues, Very exerptionally prat and compact, line house, SADDLERY.

-The 1 -11 knoan 'of H. at or Leture 11 am. on the dates specined. Par- £3, freu and appoint al. 1a! ronuired Wade, uning roncem.

CA diralars the Hoom, and HOTEL, EXEMPT uM. Tar. Portionars about from for wellas stated. Main truffle 11. Hadr.

392 HALE OF SCRAP. SPENCER-STREET. desirous of waving Hunte, trade lous lunse, able Sin 40 miles WEDNENDAY. 10th and Br- 200 werk very proltable, complete big trade: moral of Wrought Iron and Attel Scrap. Iring £2000 Wilson, 49 Eliza nt amount nt Brencer-treet tender.

depot. Incaral Deposit, 5 per cent. Just lust racted to well, rout 23 nook, 3 And 3 Mom, 4 of No tender will be arcerted. takings £50; great bargain V. 4, ptie In, 121 10.

B. JONES, Actiur Very little HOTEL. REALISLENT. proved, Tree opposition. Feat eusity SCOTTISH £550 ba-11 with a wiil le.

45: A retwins tor COMMANDANT'S 4th NAY. INAPACTION-TO-MORROW Very tages, prutty trade Httle hound. adwun- POET Molt, The Maturdayl, at 2.15 werk, Nat. 45. lokie nearly battalion will parade Prince bridge (Preston HOTEL.

np 10 date 1: rited; to proceed toy the 2.36 train 10 Bell HO WORKING 411. irl. Both kilt, and helmet. Drew: Coupons onler, to he made service uut In the desirous harts of of the nt 20 SLaTE. WANTED 1u BuS.

and Atationery Bust. to Melbourne only, Uniform will to Bell. SleD Arrange 10 to a Ire tenant: P.O., Wirdur, 41 1ern, may cut Bell. Aurodance compulsory. arrange week, can be improved.

free: ran 1'2000 WASTED arseral pond word -lul joln train intermediate Nations between Stel- Takings W. J. SE' Major, Adjutaut Is V.A. Rert. BUTAL.

FREEHOLD full Wilon, Layers wa'ling: 49 with Short every fu couvenience, 1110. 1c-story brick building. Inrzo 01446, 4 bay new merinal, from 450 10 haven. all land, ranged Traite al £3 week, term can In: AT- 2.9300 madly, BUSINESSES AND PARTNERSHIPS. privately.

629 Collina-sl. A.A.A.-We want for new client. Part- HOTEL, GIF DATRICT. WANTED 7tctel, op tu IF netship I kips, x10 to Very. town, leave years, rent.

£3 handle add boome, takings E51 20 Has, medial tuking drinks furnished 1300 hui 101 rf, IN PT. descriptiou, HOTEL, ('LOSE pluck valuation. Wilson, 49 Detrated personally Name street. come 6 Akunted W. Tine.

here inquiries for payable jean. station. furnit litale ute opposition, doing 2 trucks, drat, plant: to to but. he will sendine. uply Western distrit, FREEHOLD TOOIL, ANd and abuja, 2 Coal.

wonderful HOTEL, ut valuation 4:300 4'65. Winn, 4 dirty 2 trurki. Thouwind. Cutlery. of 641..

SAbi1, atalles and cathouse, uli drinks gueriAre: horse. dray, Wit-on, mura 40 so Elizal.ern-st. rout, leuw: £34 weekly, very £2230 and Males, for Kant. Sale: sarritke. 82 truck.

henry throughout. average takings Mid inery pro JOHNSTONE and HENRY. N. dide, payers; fo 1 lent Hotel Brokers amt Smith st. Hay.

Corn, old Building Bound General Oranta Smithing, stock Brines Lare- riley £116, 317 Concha lorry. Call. Pollina-at. Hal profit week, easily increased; warehouse re- TOTELA. HOTELS, HOTELS, northern large turnover.

WIT.HAN and 8 ye ora, bout, aloek: -BUSINESS poled free: eusy rulde LEADING HOTEL A1 FAT AUCTIONEEL, AF' Ewan, 387 (Matt uns-et. for persons -at. buying. Stewart Wood. ELIZARETH-STREET.

-ITALIAN Fruit old entablished. (Audrelian-buildings.) PUBLIC NOTICES. shop, dwelling. 5 mama; profit COUNTRY. COTNTRY.

USTRALIAN and World Wide A weekly; only £100, Stewart Wood. HERE'S AN OPPORTUNITY. for) 4. 4. Torr Hialto, 449 t'ollingtablinbed to 2,1000.

freshold Stewart property, Wood. capital hotel in 1. rooms, well furnished, leading town. piano, best hil- BIRD Original Premier, sealed rackela-foe 1A Manufacturing Business, agricultural -NOTE THIA. st.

Secure New Inventor's Guide. quired. Harde: licensee. thragh Inenm sacri- 3 parrots, 2 1b. A thing.

takings Conee last Palace. month, 245, Gippsland. profits erery- £20. tee: tenant, LA'TAUL, will it Call well 5 ing A lease fortune ur accent builder reliable lb. 266 IRISA Awanslou-sit.

MOHS" guaranteed only £200. Stewart Wood. Elisabeth -at. fur MI'ELTAL BARGAIN. absolutely frre from opium ur other narcutic A GENCY.

it. established. reliable another, ronpection, draw E5 piano, bill town. rat lease TOOmA, children. A simple cough I eat meticine.

-1 but rough inixture fOr priNta. £500 Philip, M' Alpine, 80 all mah hets larve DET 2 pad- real cure. A -LEADING Fruit, Greet trade. home, 2500: can he arranged acceut Try Dead bottle Horses. to-day.

Remoral and Free: Intent weekly, carl. counter SUBCIHAN. harpens, scales; 2110, 317 Cot- Tending NUTS THESE BARGAINS. mane rattle killer uard. W.

K. Stephens, 434 suburb, lease yearn, H. Melb. Telephone 211, A whole parch: money, ad hosinent: 217 1'200. Landles house.

glasa to trade: 'caab required on CATTLE, 1249 Dead Grotral. Hon removed free. Ring Wetbat, leading nishines 4500: superior trade. required, comp. fur- Remand Fire of intorest.

Alba- tables, weekly, 2, billiard pastry cook. catering. chopa, Lastly managed, goud louse, 6 hogaheade 1 weekly, Windsor. parts, at nny hour. Telephoue 73.

Cash from all good yearly: pastry £60. trade, Greer big catering 317 runnectiou, this compensation tomediately: 5630. 1w-t hotel ou market: inspect BILL, Burkes BA and Ilemored 3 Large VITY. CITY. Melb.

Free Charge. Telephones 2096, 407 1.0. 11, turnout. 16, 20, 35 bug rift. Dickinson, capable extension; Elizabetli- QUEEN thug little house, trade, WEALTH and Interaational Palente BA5 country, SOMETHING APECIAL PL.

taking weekly. 11, re- and Truce Marks, Collison 480 BA sod district, rood 12 turbouta, 7200 Tb. pinat: al ANETON free lease, he Hop A. over 30 Years' prartice. 317 Collins at inruine.

house: laspect immedataly; A Linral OTHERS. Avistance from £150 Arranged to fur wiik After build on It up, lout the which does rrater nut il tiz dirt the u- PARKVILLE feebied digestire To Receipta Newly £15 Per Work. WILSON ad NESTLES MILE FOOD Option 319 of Pivehase, LEADING HOTEL AGENT AUCTIONEER the Anew clot fur 40 Seud for free samp'e House, routes, 5', 12 maquiticent furniture; NEATLEA FOOD. offer. Central Bureau, HERE A FEW STUBBORN Mellamirnc, dty.

RE 75 I Carfutly digot FAUTS. YIN Good Filling orailable, five CUA. old 228000. -HUHUIIBAN FREEHOLD. with new brick near ReAr Te.

War um. M. 23 Drummond st. swore nuached. dutrict, brick 2 story immediate, House, Aibert Ph, Lacing present trade over 160 workly, La FURNITCRE for Private Amlo, assort.

gardens, tram train. 14 ruome, rent, stabling. incot. first class qualits: prices. permanents, 21 317 £176, niched and walk in, walk out.

319 Collins-ot. Hour. thin 1 PAY, district, In the part. weky, Patenta And Trades Marks, -POUT HOARDING rent, magnificently Middle furnished, 10 terrral rental 1ablished Waters Strictly Mona. protessional.

414-418 Half Eh CI)Isuites, st carpets, Collin chanco linen, 8 boarders: LEADING CITY IlL MI- turf's solid guarantec. House, Albert train NESS. compelled to Hell owing 10 TONES Broa, conduet Country town train, 10 handsomely tumished 10 13, ill lema 444 takings 240 we. k. No prices.

Mutur with othera simitar Conchea, nume, Note 1 l. wud continud income: weekly; twin 20 all elaborate Meet locality. din Muni. 4' fic. frug Reduction Bros, Originators nt Iteasonable 16 washstands, cheat, THE COVETED MISTRICT OF condort Funerals ans a her.

13 write. plane: al. 1 HT4 chance to Acquire notid reduced charge. 193 op. Slelb.

InspiBOARDING 11 beda, 19 compel takings wet 210 sale: weakly; lenaze dum stic rel- tal. Phone. 361. Lists un 80 Viespecialy EL rontal mumiunt, free. KEIR'A Richmond; pert convent.

Ahh 15 Northcate: sea N. train, handy city, 30 1, TUNES High Funerals. Brett. prices: mut nell; best odor. Cranny, Sambell, Col- HOTELA A Yarra, Phono.

361, fully furnished. platin, 11 HOTEIN. MOTEL 8. LE 541 Sydney and Co. PAINT Your House I Arrest Leray! or expert handy city, PRESENT TENANT will have Yull l'andise Preoraduck each piano, 4 YEARS.

bar trods tton 511 N. at. ret: wal AL own terton, years taking. and de4 plant, goodwill, Finishing Worka, wAll furnished. free, bittiarda, I.

Print 700 for 1011. with roomed villa, 91 Islipt- OF PRAHRAN, main Eire to 1000 Bi1M.cade, 4 Hellrery Hooks, LOOP. 10. auctioneer. Auction, 8th moba, Jean over Scary, tukings £48, pion 21: In Stale.

Phome tot. City. Tor country connection, £500. END OF worth CITY, irgaction. corner nation, Crawford, prive, 11) Tear Puil 111 nIL Lou ran MaLl Cast large siock Gnu, handsuny and 315 Age Office.

For the chop rental professions. Tel. BUTCHERING, medially recommended, catta, 2 horse, -HAME taking £35. TENANT 25 SITUNE, Junea' rockers. Factory.

quantity, bear Wertimer, for Rich- ting. sploodid plant; £150. Wilson, 49 commodious lodge room, miles years char, throughout, takings average free. THE MAARD ON MANAGEMENT trict, 20 malts, horses, Cruit cart, acknowledge with THANKS 1 1 I da city. centra dis.

BOURSE ASYLUM to plant: Cranns. 325 GROUND FLOUR. following for the month of At ril: Miendon district. 3 bod las, moral. P'richard '1 10 20: horse, 2 carta, motor plani, Ice 237 COLLINANTREET.

NEXT AGE OFFICE. stiftung Association. Howal. 21.: chamber. chance, R15, Cranny, and Hambell.

FREEHOLD. Mott and Holman 4. 11, RING engine, old Guy splendid building. DO 25; Raoks and 10., Land Wwgad. Am! FYI .1141: mitter, ling.

patent scales, Elis. machine. tireer lyne dinte ramonition, pose too: 41J, drinks me. Mr. and Mr4 H.alls, and 3p Collina-st HOTEL.

best positioned city house, superior trade. stead. and Co. Ltd. to BUTCHERING town, Bulled, thoroughly 40 man good principal roundlugs, aNt stroet, bar taking 204 pro remiro sur- J.

Ins r.m, R. Lake. 21, 1catrilf Mrib. genuine; hare hundred Hotels in Victoria and Tar- M' Kay No 3 TOtTER Palate, Do moms, mana 10 my register. Andrew.

Howdale R. Shire, 10, 24: Two Misters. trade, 15 furnisbed, 10 pertnanent N'OINLEY. Auctioneer. J.

anid bi. bade, piano, 19 144 Funder-street. THE CHARITY ORGANI trade, othen, Lurimer. school, 39 Leaseholds and CATION AUNTEPY deshe, to acknowledge with city, 317 Collin st. country.

Phone, Arthur caly. Strange, Mo. of Fund: WilTHANKN 1he following roceived durCONFECTIONERY, DRINKS, sad Parade and and £5 Dr. 0. 41 £1 £3 Dr.

thoroughfare. splendid little crowded sheolute r1- 22400, weekly: 1 miles, free: 1' H. Wm. 41 Dodshun Melboume Men 1 A wish free. mart sell to TAKING owner coins under operation.

EN WEEKLY. Vor drat Total. am Worsen's Guld. £1 W. toe freezer, mirrors, cut class bottles, heavily holds, apply F.

Rankin, Mort and sod leer. Tel. Harper Not. Green, Only £3 Ta day. A 317 Collin oldest and H.

Hotel Brokers, 30 years estab. Sir. intch, El: Rev. Find: A bra Cal curly, to Tian End WILSON, LEADING AUEST, HOTEL by hilt, ronutry, bri. Truly LIP Fund, Nociery to Fund.

Artist 410; L'emons CONFECTIONERY. Pastry, Dining £1000. Joha M'ure. Old LAD week, 64. Fund: Johu H.

Traill. Lewis, 0 10': Dr. HI. FL tief trade, vomitica sell; In offer. 107 beautifully Nichol Atted up, Foot- wound HOTEL.

North-Eastern 101 hi ruse la tintch. 41; Re. A. 10 6. taklug week.

clearing M' Old ins Company didly well Light protit, aplen- Hu Inst WA.S in Victoria sud Jim WeD from d. Mob. 10 Nu. J5 plies willer that its reghtered trial tiro. Carl too.

arse bor. Julu for which wie a Mott. but clear. Dul Old rent Collar prom tuRn. purchase Pre 1: MINING MEETINGS.

st John old 441 CONY 74 la ba A GOLD MINING rental another, banking takings L'OMPANY NO LABILITI. valuation. 1A ONLY Intel: 41300. June M' change. Get, vid Katraordinary MARTING of the DO EIT.

fur position, will be held the at the Baebire Pall hawiniss, Call us; Mas. (Y 30 of hotel. Married town, Connie sularl or would wountry, take youd testi- To alter the rules of the the meeting shall sad make montals, Melb. with cantle 2 To the to sell and dispose nock: think fit. Work, to rise the THE- AGE, -FRIDAY, MAY.


OLD JUBILDE GOLD MINES SO LIARITATT. croquet: da Saturday to Monday -Tea- 0 Notice DIEETING de siren tirat to the the Nioth Jubilee 4 General TINT Adders. t'ontor. 1'pper Varra. (SATURDAY) "THE DAWN OF TO-MORROW." AFTERNOON, Dr.

Heath: my look Most 11ft. Mire, 0e of No tIn Llabilly, will 400 be held atreel. the Farm. scotlue, tennis, 11a Heidelberg. piano kirer- al Thizely." window.

Thin'1 know CLARKE Role Le and Managers: of and METNELL PTY UTD. Ere, All the 14 for she d4s 1 ur HE Stay. 1911, the At 230 ful. men audation None. I N.

Yarta, chue patter: Children Halt Price to All Marta. Air Direr Holt: "It to be the Bible." Urneral on the 11th Manager, Arthur Jery. lowing Lualnew new Er, Farr. manager. W.

Dr. "It FLYAL MATINEE. DAY MATE, shirt. 2. Ta elect two direct the, deis4 The contial Hotel Proprietor and MATTe Mr.

Harry tin There lot ot new old Ideas think. pow, NEARING THE END. 1. To and adupt mporta And IN tel. 140 FTin- 0 ERA 0 0 9 E.

Hiath: Is -tise 1 don't rite it you 1. 3. Ta To tan 1. 1 which COFFER 1 miran. AT NEW Mr.

HARNY VA POMPANY, T'ro the thing. who .4 purl they FoR ed they I hop LANT PERFORMANCES MAJESTY'S THEATRE ritz. moderate. Da auy may Ina dat ion Voltory Hoarl. LAST fim It.

LAST PER S. 'To this candrat the day minutes Til ut .1 Ila mecting, 191). sureting. 20, Win. Late Farm.

highly re manager, M11LE. Ut YETTA. "THE DAWN OF A TO of the LAET L'henomenally and 4. C. WILLIAMSON LTD, achi 143 Under of W.

the Board. RENDI'. driver. tennis piano; week The Prancing MILLE. Girl an YETTA.

the Wire. THE AOLLE OF BRITANNY." LAST NIGHTA mful Play, Wouga Pk. -Acrimo- THEATRE THE POLLE NIGHTS Manager. el.ate wIll le ta 9: week rad. midlation F.

Wobb shooting. FLORENCE PROMER CROSIER CHALLIN. CHALLIS. Halo La eve THE DELLE OF BRITANNY." Of 10 helix .41:3 mention. muni be badged 15 -Firm Eugland'a Curet Young and Singer of Direction Nate LTO.


creAm, Nano; talie, wok cod. Mrs. Put- milk, Inst and Harmonising HAR A MEMORY TO IT. OPERA lopE tl IN CIT OP THE NEATEN TRACK. Pottiny the hefore Melbourne la cared 410Y THE FAREWELL OF THE "ARCADIANS" all-round represcotation of It Leber's stool wid and mitioi t.

els, Bank N. 4 est. Platinum 1894. Bris. Melters, how.

farm Farm. Joann, forms Smelly Hire.t trum London, 14 MAKKA RELIEVED FOR CHEERFULNEAN. 8: Are. success tellin-st. to.


CONVINCES. THINKING. The 1.474 at But al Allan's, AN ACATRALAGIAN RECORD MINING Taclous 'offre walcour. 1. dale house, Newered, TWO HAS A AND THERE.

itnyAl Grand. Coplectiowers. trea A. Day Male at Thratre That Is Still to be A. LA 4 in whirl the the CH, P'LAY THAT MAN nIT the 1'UHLI TANTE, -110 Performances in Melbourne and Rydom OLIVE of 1 1 1 LIT whAIF.

ate Foot Inne 13. Co Accommodation: Inter tartir. 41 and Allan's Hir Malindas and Ituti Aml PHILA FINKELNTEIN, Manager. -150 Performances risewbere In Australta, FRITED. a0.

finite and will NIIN he Ew HOLD hanke. -17. N. DA it extrA all yurt-, HO'SEA. -100 Performances throughont A meats.

1 DRAWING CROWDED 1910. 1011. 01 11 mhintes Hepburn Mr. Boff. CHILDREN IN ARMA NOT ADMITTED.

BINS SE A ROYAL 191 50 Performances In New Zea'and, Victors tor 12 o'rims a.m., unless REMININ. Tanned A E. and Now South Male. H. V.


livit, and l'ume 1613, I DAYLENFORD, 2. 3 Mutton maulerate. il4i Mr. ANNOUNCEMENT EXTRAORDINARY. Alien KATHERINE Dry.

Arm-1 uf the in announcing the In' 1 Iva 10 the Immoner muraler of inquirer 14-elrel Ronalds', Plan Allan's, Menzies', The Grand. Dar dale, 1s meh Bor 14 4hate made 1 of Recently enema lee him in at the liede4. J. 4. WILLIAMSON'N And APLENDER COMPANY.

leaking Tom I Il16 11. to wight throw I art- and D.C.. Pit. 5': Back (Early Atalls Door, and Nairons, and PAYABLE HOTEL. (ver Le141 10 ant individual ,01 by Extra).

ITY. 'ALL. 5 of Ten l'ul- in 1hr ARTINTS Mr. WILLIAM TEAMOND on wit 1. 11 the 1:7 for 1 sin IT' al.

Auliun, Prices Orchestra honked, at theatre: SONING Marion. Tom one For ONE 1 GREATEST on 4 crt in Antialia. Pirre1 from per Ian-, Atlan'-. Menzies', Oriental, limnd. 1 4 nad: 1.0 uh as noly.

191. E. k. Mongolia, ko Mall-. hooked R.

Tivatie 40. N.1, whirl: A11 the LARGEST all HOTEI. vi IN n4 111 and situation. FIRST AUNTRALIA Stall, 3: Gallery, 5 5 D.I'. dint night ouls).

1 d. 1 MAJESTY'S. 199 the Dr atwase tour St April, 1911) 'Pun Dining and A AL M.AY. 10th MAY. -11 id.

1, and Ir -OLD LAND 111 In. PRINCE 89'S THE A A RNITY I 4 T. (At Per Ticket APPLICATIONS Wile fur trims for tomiti- and the thi mine tarDY. bonte riur 1 varia, 3. A LON: WISHED FOR EVENT.


Myers -Ideal Mih M.AY, PERFORMANUE ID MIN NO ME rant. HE Mountain Rest. mine comforta, farm produce; SATURDAY. MAY. en wade, and nos at p.r the Mr.

Varen. Mr. gramme Al r.m. and In Intern.L of' MIN GIARA 11 coneday. Building.

10th 1911. N. J. fut 4y disaDe The to P'roduction. for the P'roreded try To Hiranri the that UTR MISH oft.

0. a OUR GIBRA Manager. to ta: IL' 21 W. ram. In Prat HEnch, FIRAT 1 in the TINE In MELMIURNE.

Which will 111, On NO GOLD M.ald. 11. MINISH -A on CAVILLE, rotation, He to prO. Ar- DICK TURPIX. BERNARD Into AHAW'S Mundas, plan 4th 100 3 Den Alou 4 until 1 134h MAY.

tr at PAYABLE G1411 a Id. the per Nhare has hon made, dIne Huffit- and it, nttemion: ALY. 4 SOFT MALT and Merlo: AmH5 1. tie 10:11 Lu Tuen 120 Will v. ant 2.

trader. 4 Brilliant, TI rite in. Mus. N. J.

PLAIN, registered oftre, 195 Wednuaday. 101! EAT la 4. F. lawns. an on kohit and fortur LADY MAUD CH A MA AND THE MAN unless dis to- ved N.

Her 1r Await Managet. 2:. iNion. an DICK the famous money 401 -0 nit A Muri Im. Until NO swimming batha, for loti erery Allen- Inrected aud Inter In TIES EVENING.

1911. of L1 per remain Dean's Grand March. Tache dally trum Hath. A Mr. WILLIAM DESMOND Sale I and Manamr POAT.

APPLICATIONS aud MUST MUST be FORTARDED All in the tion: moderate H. 1.: Arid ly A KATHERINE GREY, THE KING'S THEATRE 31 IBI, Her a.m. on Saturday, 13th 10, Wooded. cheap PA Gtl and Shh. H.

Bowen, cone, 1 a the North tar ndun. Bean, come, "ARMS AND THE M.IN LANT NIGHT. LAST NIGHT. F. A 4T Firt Beats will he allotted UNPAID v.

ill be the 411-14 A. I. MA wad found, M'ENE View Room of in York the Inn. Ami CHINES CANT. NO ARION SOCIETY.

CHEQUE. ACCOMPANIED ty lg Its of the boarl. The acthm of Will he Nigh are an applicationa are opened. A bot and Ideal F. Holiday 17:8.

creding York Turpin' 1 inte Inkr4 to on the October. night at I by Love Darli lu IN CHARITY'S will chemies be, rite. prated, to the 12 when to their forward tickets 1). d. ATomIE, Manager.

14 nm Mick Form, 31 (LINDA. dation, Hotel Acromino- Turpin famous in 20 hours NO A -A Grant. Oatinda. every 141r In-Ari they intriul 1110 dead 1y from the MABIN Edmund Adrian's t'omdu Up 1. lading convenience.

Mra, mute. Black on af T'oured hr r-n made AD walls of 1.11t great JA I.A MANPOTTE. GERARD COVENTRY'8 FAREWELL PAY at carltal the of registered almire of (314 due and 31 received. 1'mA mte, buried in close the to York. in ir.

sue lie Knaves- Farr IMPORTANT BEE magi RILL Interesting and 91 Arranerment with J. 4'. "A GUINEA'S WORTH quently hanged in chaina Thur prubaldy con Once Eli Wednesiay. 10th April. ru ent Hp WAn in lu theatregoera, MOUNTED It MAMMOTH for LINE SHILLING.

10i1. 11, 4, L. Manager. 1 Family cortured HEM. A.

hui his 344 your when The incidents Full I'ROUUCTION. EXHOUR, A MATINEE, T.EW FIND HOLD MINING COMPANY trams door. It is An Ar ark.ow fact L. that th'e at Munday, at 9 Ay thi AVION Will be Tendered by trexturod later. It l.

141. 1 1 Share, registered has hewn made. Equitable and PAY- PIT Gully. Accommodation, das. Tel.

1, most of his Let the 11 Aud TRIAL E. the Noterpor and Lady Lady Wud lei, the the And the Entire Musingl and NO LIABILITY. A PALL the TOTAL Hotel, Fern Tree INT only the marlow of the Heh. Atrl are ler the of hi- .1, 0. WILLIAMSON LTD.

NIGHT. Lord Mator Lady Minstein, I 1911. J. Melbourne, on 10th May, House. Rest Ac- Sag.

The 19 161 Lantern. scare lag chain the ver- AMATEUR TRIAL Datra: r. sud SIts. Tr ONDONDERRY MINING COMPANY hot Warnngton tenni Rogers. chac manager.

rallway and leach. in SP8TA old. The The rOmer copTer ed bel al maiming JuA. TONIGHT. NIGHT.

TONIGHT. nt PALEST. (0g the Ere RARD COT NO LIABILITY. the 00 ten -L hamming in the left. looking lwh, and f11r -nil table 11.

R14 to lay, APP Ices it til tu call 01. the the PREMIER OPERATE' of of him Departure from Austral), ENTRY -hilling per share tuna been PAYABLE at strings. fern gullies, ideal winter STeAl Age, fran Ilit VICTORIA. HER it das. 10Th May, 1911.

View Point. ATANFIELD. sort: wick and. genuine, amt El 11 tar A THEATRE A BRILLIANT MITCE4A. MAJESTY'S THEATRE, EN: rth wind View th Kilda.

Accommodation Hampton late Coffee train, Palace, tram, was The his greatest refurred friend to by A Turpin as Tun King TRENNAN' Kule Stare L'ED After Gond for Borrtal Works, hat Must 1c Withdrawn TUESDAY, Va 18t 11 MAT. NEW LANGI CALL the GOLD Let of SUNEN 3. NO pOI share hrach. Mr4 Rowan, TOO Tel. 1283.

op. W. lit In mint log King King's dead wish an he In Al with the TI. THE of 1tne. Tonight, as Theatre Engaged.

The Iron made npon all the contributing ic station ard I WA Flew: rested and hanged. Turnin afterwards threw EVERY VARIETY. COME OPERA. OTTE. An Act from Magnificent Cr will Include the due and PAYABLE 10 The, At the lintel in Victorin: varami Suitoe: phargon moderate.

the 1t found in the garden. and is AWAY MATINEES, WEDNESDAY9 And Miss Que B- National Building. 155 toffee Palace. Melt. in In Sir, the 130 Advanre.

trilie. HOLIDAYS SAN His the Wilfred ROYAL. 40N10 OPERA COMPANT. 1911, JAMES NARAY. Manager.

Table. Trams cirly breakfast. Mrs. Darid Brilish fu thane 17.79 to he al POP Advanced Vauderille. Mi.

Tun Walt, Miss destrud, and EW PRINCE OF in the WALRA abio M. LIUNY 10. 00 N. which fruit. drives.

Reantifully 1'1. -Milk. grating of Mr. Dirk Roberta, Turpin, in and. face bry And coinci.

Ext (HORI'S of CLARKE and MEYNLLI. ARCADIANS COMAtrel OPERA. LA MASCOTTE. 19' 2.1 mains 1A'l of are per FORFEITED. Mountain View.

conne: the faw. rille, stage Futi Diana grIDent under Mr. Walter c. Kalha.ine WILL Mr. William Mrs.

Drummond, Out. 13 1 1n 60 Trained Vetera. NSON an: A011 1 anotion by Mining Kuching Bend: Morrow go, 01 table, retised tuna, piano. rime Mrs. WET P'ALAC'E.

Nighily. at 8, B. halon Nurth. Sir. Lr in A.

Lambert, Leader, Sr, Joseph Mias Eugoul. Mr. VARBERTON boalthy. to HARDINEILA. nf 20 11c: dr Los and 1314 Mu3.

1911, in al. HiNditoh. WEST'S and Saturdays, Wat. THIN. ANDERSON'S DRAMATO el.

R. 4. KICK Manager. W' limnts, lint And Cold over brt. 90 AL 1.30.

Elaborate Akx. by Tabu Mr. Willard Ander. Miss Flemire by GOLD MINING 4. Sire.

Hearn, WEST' 4 World- Instrument a MIn. MARRY RA'KARDA'S OPERA and 1' SE Zone, t'halls, Fontor Tasmania. A I. the Rot Mr. Nat.

4 lifford and 1'0. 50: of 1ul. sharp ha- Leva made, due Cala W. WEST TURES. (Dirt from SUPPORT ing.

en 1 101 proudiotur. tHE THE WORLD. welly do. NO. NTARR and LEI LIE LAST NIGHT.

LAST NIGHT. LAST NIGHT. Accitre from Perrxion. DAY 3 3 at the nalarted oft. Build- commuTation: the R.


DRISCE 15. OF WALES J. PLAIN. Stanngut. fart Mation; terms fur Managing Director Mr.

T. J. WEST. and IF. decide Mox try plan at their which auro C.

'Firket holders WILLIAMSON'A ICVENILE COLD MIMING wiek 6, VrA. GREAT mod Our Great Vaudeville proceeds. charli'0s Fel Lad OPERA at NO one 4. Share, 4'ALL Hu RI Som mondation for of GLORIOUS the SUCCEss LESLIE P'EARLIE lure. Ple- to piano; tariff moderate.

BRILLIANT NEW SERIES ARTHUR 1 B. EVANS. How. Hecrelert. The The whole forming of burn trade.

Ernitable and Building. the reai tered E. 141. Al. IL MARRY TRY Most Lice Adar a of Talent Ou Wedne 1dl Mar, N.




ROYAL A It TRIALS sale a dit TATS PICTURES, at 3 30. PICTURES, A1 THEATRE, 10 10 C. Tel, 005, City. Transfer to 111, Red Tram. and met, Ash for PARK.AFIrI PAY the of the The OLYMPIA.

and lawrk to Has al tit Current Werk'- dir joe ALL SPORTSMEN Wirtte' chi Park. 7th Mm. 1911. "Tor Picture Such Juin En Excitement of OLYMPIA. OLYMPIA.

Motor Train, Donkey Rider. haif The price. ice- Regal Elephant Traysler chart Wth 3143. 1911. IN THE HAND Al OF THE GRAND TASE.

MODERN (under new management) wilt ply on Sandis Rand 13 order THE GRAND NATIONAL Direction of PICTURE THEATRE. next, MA KAY. GLENSIDE Must the lure Ever Sera. C. SPENCER, UNITED MINING MALL COMPANY I PH 0 LA AIl Only All Hate Through, to Keep His Feet SATURDAY THE INCOMPARABLE SI FUNERAL NOTICES.

PAYABLE of top at the AN share View made, AT TAIT'S ONLY. Orner Clearly Mur Amblerta In Comprise this Great Film TO SORROW. at 2.30. THE the Falls MATINEE, 441 13 Mins, LOIT. 4.

IN THE HANDS OF THE IMPORTORA THE GERMINATION OF PLANTS. DAUGHTER. WIN Friends ol 1 hp Into MARY Manager North and lu, View Wonderful Sturiy of Nature. the YOU REALLY SHOULDN'T MESA IT. "THE "THE her remains tar the i plare MP pro'! of fully the to fullne AN UNAPPROACHABLE EXPOSITION A Struggle.

VIRIT Manta to BERLIN. Live. Al NOT'ATTER'A Brings aTE with the It wattle. tw 1r ut reintro- the metal Cemeter. The funeral will tea L'uburs deft THE CENTRAL NELL LABILITY.

-Notice. MINING A A GREAT SOCIAL 1f PROBLEM. A Delight tar the laver of Tram! Scenes, A PROGRAMME DAUGHTER" (m I.o our friends of the street. brother's TAr. Firmington, THIM DAY (Frida 9: ShiehBALL Ithe of 24.

sha has be An Immense Aullence views 1Sth Another Remarkable THROUGH Areal THE TYROL, Of bush land. It toll Da of jast 5th Har, mIl ARLE the at the this due and PAY- Hah- Entbrally Amazpment the unfolding of this Extraordinarily beak Hunkelstein 15.000 13th Century Pile: The Scant. Ritter. AND PRINCELY LAVISH MUNIFICENCE bush their zirla, trouble. their men.

triumphant Innie JOSIAH HOLD Carlton: 6.21 Dinctor. Gem. Notable Hondiun, LEe 10th day of minect Tiers. ft. high, and beautifully tinted Worthy ol the Great SPLENDOR.

lore. ball jealoNy Nod hah hair. Nurth Carlton Phono 1182. Nicholwn-strel, Say, Dager. 1911.


The Faunt and Repuiattou of SEE THE GREAT SHEAHING WONDERFUL Most Artistic Dramatic Production. in which Innomporatrio CONTEST. ('HITTERS CO, NO GOLDEN PALL QUAlITZ the Facsimile Parting The inn is Nortor. of Lake Fide' THE TIE DAWN. 691h, capital of of twopence per share line la murle on the LA RI IN RORRI NEIGHBORING REDSKINS.

the compuny, dun 1711 WHAT KINGDOMA. TIE 'WATERFALL 10th May, At the Direction J. and N. TAIT. Grand SMALL WE DO WITH OUR OLD! Distinguished A All for Natural, Artistic and THE BUS Friend, THE JUDGE Mait-street, F.

WOOD DID. TO-NIGHT AND EVERY EVENING. terest and Thrilling Stories. Full of Almorbing in- Realistic I Haplay. CHAN'T.

Are informal l'1 ErNIOA Incident. Furs time in Melbourne splendid his son. Hubert Walter. in luted in BOLDEN 10. TUMMY GET reproductio-in no fewer than animated mera to das.

IT a.m. the ft Boround a Ari. lie funeral to NO -FINAL NOTICE. -Notice TAITA PICTURES. TONTOLINI AN A employed- of the F.

DAY Fridas Antern-roul, THIS hereby Ital all SHARES in the above TAITH PICTURES. THE INSTALMENT 11V GRAND Bill May. 11 call of per share, and all calla, COLLE. TION UNPARALLELED MASTER. touring Comicalities, LIVERPOOL OMAND NATIONAL SPEEPLE- Australia.

Conie-1 and Pictthal Theatre. HERBERT KIN company PORFEITED for of the 69th THIS WEEK'A PLAN. SPECIAL THANK. PRAIRAS, TH. 913 an I 4.

abuts, Ick will MOLD by auction, at the HI- PIECE. in change. Asteroih day of May. 191. Melbourne, at twelve 1A o'clock noou, the LIFE ON FISHER PI.

EN FOLK, JILONOLAD, Overture. WEST'A PREMIER GRAND ORCHESTRA. ROMANCE. 1911: WEEK. unless proviously redermed, AS A GENDARME, Entr'acte, Semiramite nf the Peer AN ARIZONA ROMANCE PITOTO.

EVERY Surmiday. o'clock. F. WOODWARD. Manager, THE GRAND Mr.

Jackson. (Sullivan) Incidentally Dealing with (n an Ostrich Farm, The Mart. 20. P'LAEN, THE NO EXTENDED TOMMY AND THE TRUMPET. at Glen's.


HESHY Weed the late Mr. are WILLIAY ban male 111 85th the cantal of the any. slim. due an I and delightful ct, PICTURE PALAtE. An Episode of Devoly Tender and Pathetic Naval Comedy Drama 1 tr 143 (ALL nt RAPIDS UF THE RIVER.

PAYABLE 1041 al the brilllantly EXHIBITION ramer, Dicker famous painting L13 Frank Drama 1A. What To In in Ac. ion it, tire heutr The tuneral 4 fully inviterl to follow his 19; His 14 the plare CORDAN3 'A oliter. WIFFLES LONGS HIS Ac.

EXHIBITION BUILDING. FISHER Noonie Studs Gin col.ts) Magda a a Hirer 'th CAD will lease his N.1, F. WINDWARD. Aud, in cuDjunction with this I nique l'rogramme, BUILDING FOLK I Fine Deiretive Drama (Nick Winto The Shu 1901, al 3 lilt, THIS jib THE HOLD -A MINING ONE THE MOST REMARKABLE TIRE Ammat. 1n.

Ltd. Praling with the life af Picture those Play. who. News of (A. the World' Lathe Hummer Flirtation lead ALLISON.

ah Embalmer. Will FOLK I Conndy o'r'uh 0, 10. 530 3d. 1 the I EVER SECURED IN TIE HISTORY OF Roland down to the sea he Drama of the Mount u.n ErA 1103 aud vice. Au8.

Central. hmond. Tel. 1907, tal of this obie it ch. due 841.1 Hi.

PAYABLE he not. IN THE NANDA OF CINEMATOGRAPHY. THE TO-NIHT TIlE or Rutlet Fate Weslem May Drama Trincer Win Tar a the luth da Hale am! right- fur Australian. And EVERY 1: 8, With Kemarkable and Hair Extreme laris Frahiona 4' Latest Notes loin J. 11.

Met and Raukior, Malwar. picture ever the prod mort and PEOPLE'S Raising Equestrian Per- And Comedy A THE MOU'XT LYELL MINING AND RAILWAY THIGL.IN TO A DEARER. ALL NEW PICTURE, BUILDING, A TALE OF THE REA, Brautiful of the Wack, respect fully in tied to follow the EXHIBITION THE Pinto, of Mr. JAMFA DORRIS (UNPANY LIMITED. PHOTOGRAPHICALLY HANIN OF 111:1 THE OTHERWISE the 10,000 EntIre of illuatrated in uf incomparable THE THE mant, the Mars.

to the Hew. plat Tue of funerai IN THE of his beloved wife, NUTICE Of DIVIDEND. EVERY MONDAY. SCENES IN THE TYROL THE OP OF THIS DAY (Fridast, Stir Ma3, nt IN THE HANDY OP THY IMPOSTORS, Lively and views of pirtoresque THE FILN in UNAPPROACHABLE. A picture of and ahlpwreck.

THE 4 will moVe 34t. Church. uf Notice hereby given that Diridoul (the PICTURE PALACE, THE MERCHANT OF VENUE HARHERT KING and SONS, L'ederabers, Leps teentin DiLL: Abil dark and A NOTE. PEOPLE'N PICTURE IN RINGDOMS. du by the Dox -street.

Hichmond, Tel. 912. amounting to 475,000, has d. The lore teloichr with the arcane phere of TO An Origiual Comedy Drama. Fall 1 of Rome).

richl It! in A af Ait on oftires, Me Lath and London. 1911. at Lie company's that extranedluary of all life great which is lived In the within provitice the The Latcal JOINS THE Creamms Novel LA 4 exclude id The to the Photo Humor. Books Clue 2nd May. at 7 p.m.

of darint is dinloult limit how far one dare First Matinee will be duly announced. A TRUMPET. bored 44 On A Lorie artistic Tratre, wilt la The Friends of tho late MAT. which Diridends 12 no from Iu a.m. to p.m..

Satur- tomnd intrude curtain thee life witch Ay and ofieu Hrs concocted DOGS NOT ADMITTED. Melbourne by Mr. merenses galued 14 THIAS BERNARD Orrus furl OR A 10 a.m, 10 The sheer prudery, "CALINO'S CHILDHOOD, OSCAR AR HE "SHYLOCK." are respectfully informial that hi: funeral will Hy ur thee Bond, puch in erector his ed great this mast attemul arpirce to reseal of reality his dared 3.1. Specially And Mins his mother' residence. 34 Merton Albert Part, 4i, MONA, Prorid diners-which are to an spathetic Fult THE Arranged Musin: and Acrom br WILY DRAYTON 44 "PORTIA." THIS DAY Sill May, at 2.30 p.

Acting Secretary. await the at Ining each daugura- which Director, Li ne' F.ight, ORCHESTRA. The Whole Armianted by the for the Boroondura d'emeter. Ken. 59 Quccu-deret.

atree; And turd of the WY BAI E. Conductor, H. INGHAM. PHOTO. Rupert story the airl.

then Edith, the who tide The EXHIBITION Am4tr. -at PLAY A. A. SLEIGHT. Coderiaker.

182 THE PANY GOLD MINEA hor 1- to the care on of the 1 death luvit: "GET THE EXHIBITION HABIT PICTURES. and M. Reserved Theatre Orchestra. PLAYS. P'LAYR.

Melbourne. 110, given that A NO the ulI: 14 shining her per ion aunt. hi. r4 the in 10 the her hume, at Glen's. 9.

I'HoTO. Ian's. 1. M. 2: Road's Mo k.

MAYA. Aliare on the increased capital of the hand of whose chief aim in 19 decry moshes of THENE THE LYRIC and PLAYA, DoeR made, due PAYABLE at one that. however in theme, young NOR 8 Aud HALL THEATHE CAFE. -The Friends MARIA odice, Broken 31 Queen street, Mol- can 13 il nf cond. GORS and TO- fried TINA EXNEI.

relict of the late Mr. nf the Boarl. ('. K. 14th PACKER.

Stay, 1911. Manuger, 115 Alc1- order the Ac Her' and Jirea to marry 4 man whose Are Famous for Their Excellent Qualities of Tune TO-NIGHT TONIGHT. turited 10 tollnw remains to their leat meting bourne, il1 PIANOS E. Eanor. late tong, ate towpertfuir brarne, ENt April.

1911. thank far her fortunate Touch. POSITIVELY WORLIV4 PICTURES. place. the The THE THISTLE GOLD MINING NO FOR Thy in the are It would 00- CARNE Sole and Agents, SUNB.

THE FAREWELL WORLD' PICTURES. strong. the bor Mulgrase, on Jere 31. LIABILITY. I1: Ivon -A made 411 Illa: rapital b.

Imp to desertie the in 106 LATENT-BEAT-NO BETTER THAN THE REST. 61h at 2 1.00. 1 His mice. company, High-street. PAYABLE at.

tie Allan's, Pianos whe.e they se'ect frotn Call the at largest our THE ROYAL Of LAM AND WE GET THE BEST ALWAYS W. GARNAR. W. l'Ian 41 We. forite intending Purchasers APPEAILANCE buy.

h. das Mav, Pa K. A. on RANKIN stock of and Sole Organs Agents Victoria. SINGERS, Tit Splendid and 14.


PIANOS, IN THI MENTALINTA INDIAN SUMMER and FLINTATION ('razz Cantor Apple. tum. EDWARD The Friends GRUBR. mi the 1atc foreman Mr. of ALBERT tine P'AYABLE 1 kl.) at 301.

the has been mud 127th 42:11 TO CALLED AmI RACK. BELL Aud ORGANS. From Honoluhz, tire bi the DAN Pacife." NIK BORDER WINTER HANGER. four French Nrighbor4, low Lawi, bin boiler remains makers. the are plan rom of interment.

trited mi in for De AFTERNO'. 2.30. And regintere! ortho. This Wet's Copa. THE COINERS, Hammodara lion.

The funeral will 4. J. PLAIN, A -MEZUN IMA Sweet QUARTET, his 11 6th at 3 p.m. Hawthorn, 011 23 ILK MAGNIFI: W'hifles. ibis May.

1911. TELL SUNING POMPANY These Hir LORDIONS, WILL LIABILITY. loxford. CALL it wurld and braT- NATIVE SONia aurl ENGLISH PALLADS, WORLD'S PICTURES. rad, ONTO I'LE: and de MINS, prune Nia 1, Undertakers, Hambon 111h1 of It, EW A REFINED DELIGHTFUL ENTERTAINMENT.

TO- SIGHT. and 341. 411LP able and Huikling. P'AYABLE at the reminered oftler. 1 131 ST.

KILDA THEATRE 4' INVITED ill- Plans, Allan'A. 2. Slatince Ta-morrow. Full P'rogramme. 10th War, 1911, N.

J. PLAIN. Manager. minel, op. Railway Atation), SHITE 111 full range A THEN 3r HALL The Friends of the late Mr.


will Mr. THE ROYAL JAMES KNOX to lot LEE TIRE st Jun, A's Rote AMALGAMATED Proprietors 30d Managers, TI A Gith VISIT. MAY Sr. Ery Evenina (Except Friday), nt 2.13. 101 Carlton, THIS DAT 1'hurch, 192 1.

Sundar, THIN WEEK'S PICTURES PROGRAMME -LTD. Rating Allend I EDWARD, COMPANY. Sol RI w'rah. By Ker. John wanted.

11. Ing. cht. Room 4, T. a les Includes At NEW 41A Mall fur New Wednesday, MAY 10th A JOUS DALEY, Undertaker.

Latrobe and Sprig BI Hall, F. Middy. The turo Stoat frumted ut all Hugh, Australian, Pic- 2 and Every IT IRE ALFRED NEW Front PROGRAMME. NEW ARTINTA, streets, Melbourne. Telephone 87, 1 W.

T. P. ou Wolston. a from Apprim. will L- Lincoln.

colehrated novel. adapted on In Mr. W. J. to 10.


ADMISSION. Srate, Plan Booking. 60. Exira day might at at 1.45 u1 town hall: sud on Sum- CALLED PRIVATE 8 LES to 11. 1 Almet.


M1' George Meeting. TinT, COT NINE of Hal 1 Tangal fu WILLIAM8 136-7 and Members of the Brunel and The TALYA, the Friday night. at 8 Mr. J. Eunir, Vocalini, Miss Young, Hurt Primate thou tain.

To to DE PENDANT. Promising Cueist), InN Hoctety the in Tourral uf thril PATRICE Antiug to-wight Also CALL 4 fin, Wine 41P Phone 6061. on 6th MAY. FRED. Jun.

(Australte' Champion), JAMES KNIX. tr. Unir Inst restlug place, the Mich night. Ir, LIVERPOOL GRAND NATIONAL STEEPLE- Free. Obtainable Cu.

16, 000 on Level Terms. honitse Grueral 4 Da The Inners whoA.rd.. W. awi-k. near mardh Mauda H.

bel. GUIDE TO THE DANCES. 61. Or by idler Sited Elizale rout, THIS DAY. hi- resident.

101 THIS Lecture Th. 3 THE FIAHER CHASE (Aintre, 1017). C'olo'4 1Awk, Sold dE T. Park. urnt levetr, Roval- Afternoons at 3.

Evenings at (Friday), the St.h al 3 00744 p.m. mitter. Grand musical for IP Women's Sirike LIFE ON A FOLK, FREN'H BATTLE -'RAZY SHIP. APPLES. DAN Every Dancer Have 1 Mr.

ALFRED HOSPITAL. Ou Admit 2. standard tublu 1. by Box Alcock. plan R.

M. P. READY. AN hart SATURDAY membly MELTING Hall. Collicastiet.


WINS STUDIOS PORTRAITURE Friend. of 31:. WILLIAM moTow. 3.30 P.m. -Mon Waltz, houra.

D. ANI CAILTON ATALL. FASHIONABLE reapa los NEWSBAN of lu4 A' wife, Mary, be Lunda to All TD, Chri-tians Ending leviad. Meting. 4 Trance of Farry Mouday.

Furlong's Mind', arcade. wiulmont. BEAUTIFUL Ta be LONG FUR COST (Cones Seal 11 to you unions it lA Picture well their In Kew. 4l. react.

TIx me funeral In Irise his resides, THIS New Orchew ru. 111 4 or by The SKETCH PORTRAIT this in lint sial du. P'lan at Alian's sod Theatre, I Mr. P'rivete teach quirky 01: 61 La MAY. whenever full require it.

you Picture of Journal Oks," :11 2.30 o'clock, Photograph. -We cite I'ratt, Hall. M.A. di 8 14-r. J-.

alonel, Gaily. till 10 p.m. Waltz. 91 Obtainable Tirkels Sir. Each.

LE PINE 5th Mar, Funeral 10.0 ton. Camber Two in hw Te-nona; 1. e1 214 rect. Prices, from per dozen, I Camberwii, 31) (are evenings; juveniles, Or frown 35 r4, Broman, C'arlton. Well-road.

lie uttrurn, aud Thomas RAILWAYS. FREE VOICE TENTING. COn and 4 9 strreta. Grattan-street. Always Praliran, at Sta: FRIDAY, 20 t111 1.30.

1.05 9.30. frame. DRUIDS' ALFRED HOSPITAL DAZAAR. 9W188 STUDIOS. 12.

VICTORIAN RAILWAY A MONDAY. 10 Afternoon Appolutments t111 4. and til preferred. Evening. Lee 8.30 tor 11, "LOCISVILLE," I corner to 8.3U.

Amosa I'rat. and DRUIDS' And CARLTON STALL. THE PERFORMING LA LIO. EXHIBITION. GET Friends are of reaper stir interment.

late invited to Melbourne HE CHEAP tO RIDDELLA, GINBORNE utternoon, 3 14 5,30, Warrrles To-morrow A MAGNIFICENT PIANO. EDUCAT PERFORMING SEALS Lad BEA peral her renaina Cometery. tu the The place Inneral of will law her WIKIDEND. TRENTHAM. LYON Mr.

ROBERT KENNEDY'S STUDIO, street. Sal, and Sun. Hall, To bo RAFFLED on 4th MAY. EDUCATED 0008 Aud MONKEYS. 108 Manley street, West THIS HILI.E 4D 175 Collins-street George's.

Mundas). Hall. Heat music, (urand ordinary reuniou Teri THE SALOSIE DANCE KEYS, at 2 a'clock. Ch T'lit ATHI 20th train MAY. leave nt 0.10 DA Cathedral fre.

Fitz- 6d. Each, Gd. Each. THE SALON To Ire obtained from Mrt. Brenan, Grattan THE SALONE DANCE JOHN DALET.

Coderlaker. Laziobe and Sprint turn and -First frown bor 7.15 p.m. PEDERATED TONGALA HI.A DISANTER FUND. UNION. PL May ladies, faucy; gentlemen, Anembis, poster Tuesday.

noreky Cariton. street, Musical Marvel. return at 1at. per wile; children usher veara, Balt I. or Mudic will be viven under Inderotin: fee.

ALFRED HOSPITAL HAZAAN. NEW NEW MOVING PICTUMES PICTURES can Bureau, not the of Colins wlarjat mod Swan. the the ALOTO Mouth Med Heacti So.t- DIL 'Tradin Aaspm- J. and CARLTON STALL. Open 10 DO p.m.

Adminion, and Friends of Mr. be obtained at stoa up North till 5 Nethmrur, the aud previous Mav. Factortur 4t at 1. 4 p.m.

H. rad Primer. Social. 31.4, VERY HANDSOME PARK, fully Invited tu his remains (tobacconist) to the Wat band. ('.

SKATING PALACE, ROTTED till the slurling Lique uf train. bey why Produceman. Training. ILL Ladies L1. and u- PEARL NECKLET and MATCHDAY AFTERNOON, ALL place, Melbourne General No.

The Funeral rt up To SALTA want's 1 TU RAFFLED ou 6th MAY, MAY. apuointed to leave his THIS residence, DAY (Fridas) the INNIE ALL TOH. V. SOUTH DANCE um GRAND MATINEE CARNIVAL. Mouth Stelhoume, WI SATURDAY.

GL MAY. 8 to Each, Prizes for Varione 5th at 3 o'clock p.m. tratto will lewve at 2,17 Tre El. DA rille don't' Violet or from Mra. tIn- whole P'athe tarantal.

take Living of bournt. Tel. 1000. Op PRINCE Batneday. Max, A yariu! train for fort bill EARN draw la: ingle a al Magician cote at in 13 2'3.

for slige taught. A. M. Tshit, teacher. and frown 4.

Me aud 42., To With a toutetti R. M' KENZIE. Undertaker, South Do- and all stations, returns 3.05 p. al Mandoliar, Hando, Flute, Cullingword, osual tAr. Dan, Ive Lion D- Red Hind." next Monday.

"The lorie." Bus plan at flan's, Doork Open 1 p.m. Ad(Princes vi Invorite deuce, Forrest I. JONES, Acilug Merelary. thorougn mural moderate thal'A mu-ir, micaun, Turnt, imma 28 Swanstud at. Dantag tors and Highland AK Ta Rid The Friends of the HOTELS.

HOLIDAY RESORTS. monte. Moll, a 14r hill. 2 to 5. afou SI de, word 1'ry-tal White, Fare CARNIVAL.

Ire si aud of Los will be interred the Pictures. with outer Fling. let t4. Co THE LBERT Palace. beat nit calling; uh her rethi at THE Prat: wert.

lith elitions. bert DyeD to the to rooms, The (Fridar), funeral tea artive at o'clock, Harelit Carnival. 11 Pictures. George's Unb at Hous tountry, Inter-Miate tiame al MAGENDON Mounre Putulac D'oultw Show, To tutries; das. Town evening Dancing 8 -CATTA H.

Manager. and nod School, a doin door. city, THE herel, CHAND HOTEL. F. tec.

p.m.; select frund 1 White privalety, Phone No. Unkleigh. 14. till 11 MATTHEWA, for La Dunning. cHub.

Haw. CARNIVAL Lads and MONDAY. May. Austral Victorsof the calaine: city al! private modern diaper, Improve Phove M. da Terito's trapd.

whist decorations Or bestra. Competitions, Carnival lone specialty. nest "The Hast".

The Age from Melbourne, Victoria, Australia (2024)


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Name: Jonah Leffler

Birthday: 1997-10-27

Address: 8987 Kieth Ports, Luettgenland, CT 54657-9808

Phone: +2611128251586

Job: Mining Supervisor

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Electronics, Amateur radio, Skiing, Cycling, Jogging, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Jonah Leffler, I am a determined, faithful, outstanding, inexpensive, cheerful, determined, smiling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.